
Date: 03/12/2011

By: Lindsay

Subject: Well wishes from Wisconsin

Hello Beautiful Ladies! Jess filled me in the other day and I've been keeping myself updated with how Miss C is doing. I just want you both to know...I've been there..Having struggled with "food issues" myself its NO fun. Cadence is a strong girl and will get through this and so will you! You're a great Mommy and didn't give up when docs said nothing was wrong. Thinking of you girls daily and praying for you as well! Big Hugs!
Lindsay Van Horn



Date: 03/13/2011

By: Jennifer

Subject: Re: Well wishes from Wisconsin

Thank you Lindsay!



Date: 03/09/2011

By: Aunt Clare

Subject: Yeah!

Keep the good news coming! Sorry I missed you to chat with tonight. I worked late because the good old state of WI surveyors decided they didn't like some things we were doing so we have stuff to do to make them happy. The things have to be done by end of the day Thurs.

ANY WAYYYYYYYYYYYY - What I wanted to tell you was that I was starting to get really tired of doing what I had to do at work for the state today; working on the computer starting to get cross-eyed and a headache. You know how it is to be on the computer for a long time. I saw a sign our dietary department put up that this is National Nutrition month and thought how "funny" it is that this is the month Cadence is getting help with her appetite and eating. SOOOOOOOOO, then I started thinking about you "guys" and wondering what was happening today. (Don't tell anybody, cause I'm not supposed to use the computer at work for other than work things , , ,) I took a peak at your website. I saw that cute little girl at the top of the page holding Buddy, and all of a sudden, I felt like the weight was lifted off my shoulders. My headache was gone and I felt ready to work again.

So thank Cadence for me because today she made me feel better just by looking at her picture. She must have special powers! Love ya all!



Date: 03/10/2011

By: Jennifer

Subject: Re: Yeah!

awwww! Thanks Aunt Clare! you are just too sweet! I will let her know!



Date: 03/08/2011

By: Aunt Clare

Subject: JENNIFER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer - Get ready . . . here comes an "old," caring Auntie lecture! Don't you dare blame yourself for this! You are not, I repeat NOT, bad parents! Remember, kids don't come with an owner's manual. You have to do what you think is right when a decision has to be made. You can't go down both paths and decide what is the best way to go before you pick the path at the "fork in the road." You listen to the people that are supposed to be the ones in the know and decide what to do on their recommendation. As in all walks of life, there are good people doing their job and those that are not so good; so there are better doctors and some that aren't so good. You did not give up when you felt there was a problem and you are doing what you need to do. That is good parenting. And don't you forget it!!!!! OK, lecture over. Whew!!!!!!!!! You really got me riled up! You can't do that any more to me . . . I think I got 6 more grey hair! LOL! Love you. Keep the faith! I know you have lots of people to talk to, but again, if I can help or you need someone else's opinion, you know how to get a hold of me! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO



Date: 03/08/2011

By: Jennifer

Subject: Re: JENNIFER!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHOA WHOA WHOA!! I never said I was a bad parent!!! LOL I was simply saying I made a mistake. Sorry for the greys! Next time I am in WI I will color it for free!! ;)
I love you too!!



Date: 03/09/2011

By: Aunt Clare

Subject: Re: Re: JENNIFER!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I'm glad you don't feel you are a bad parent, 'cause you're not. Maybe it was a poor choice of word ("bad") on my part . . . in my riled up state with the new grey hairs and all. (LOL) You're off the hook for coloring them too; they blended in with the others and now I don't know which are the 6 new grey hairs. Oh well!



Date: 03/07/2011

By: Jess

Subject: Thinking of you!

Jennifer, Jon, and Cadence

We are all thinking of you! Cadence is one strong girl. Her milestones may seem small to some people, but they are huge for her!! Stay strong mom and dad, I can't imagine seeing your little girl go through all of this! It shows where Cadence gets her strength from! The kids keep asking when Cadence will be back to play with them!! Once you are all well and home we will definetly have to do another dinner/play date. We will be praying for you! Call if you need anything.





Date: 03/08/2011

By: Jennifer

Subject: Re: Thinking of you!

YEA! Cant wait! We had a lot of fun too! I hope its sooner than later! That way you can get yer hairs did too!! Thank you for the prayers! We love getting them!



Date: 03/07/2011

By: Erin

Subject: Your doing a great job!

Jennifer - You can't beat yourself up over what happened in the past. You had done everything you knew, you did what you thought would be the best, based on a PROFESSIONALS opinion. It is very unfortunate that some Dr's seem to just guess at what the problem is knowing that we as parents don't know any better. Then they yell at us for using the internet for research because there isn't always good information there either. It is so hard, any parent in your shoes would have done the same thing. What is important is that you noticed a problem and acted on it. You have found the best people to care for Cadence and she is doing great. It really is amazing what good "medication" good and healthy food is. Hopefully they will be talking to you guys about healthy foods, and what is in them that will contribute to her health and hopefully she won't have to be on "drugs" of any kind! Look at mom, she cured so many of her ailments with a healthy diet. It sure is hard and takes a lot of research but it would be so worth it! Probably is something we all should do. IMO - Dr's really over diagnose ADD/ADHD. I think it is mostly a lack of parental attention, poor diet that tends to be the real problem in these kids but how is a Dr suppose to tell a parent "pay more attention to your kid" or "you need to feed your child better food". In your case I don't believe either of these things.....I simply think she was mis-diagnosed.

Anyway, my point is, you are good parents and you can't make yourself feel bad. It's hard, we have to be advocates for our children! Your are a fantastic mom! Don't tell yourself otherwise!! I love you and am so proud of you all!

I have a friend who has her son on this diet and she believes it has helped greatly
You may know her Meghan (Ray) MacPherson (Shawn Ray's sister)
Something worth looking into!





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